21-22 June 2019 Great Sand Dunes National Park

Sorry – I have certainly gotten behind in my post writing! It’s almost been a year – so I will try and fill in what’s been happening over the next few days

Last June, our grand-niece Breann invited us to go camping with her to our closest National Park – Great Sand Dunes. The water flow for the creek crossing there was setting records, and the days were warm and only a little rainy.

Great Sand Dunes National Park – you can see Medano Creek flowing along side the dunes

She found a camping spot just outside the park. She and Hayden set up their tent. The rocky ground made it a bit tough to drive their stakes!

Breann and Haiden setting up their tent near Great Sand Dunes National Park
Our “tent” setup was much quicker!
Success! Breann and Haiden have the tent set up (note how rocky the ground was)

The rest of the campers found us and we had a great time camping, exploring and playing at the dunes the next day!

You have to carry your stuff across the creek to get to the Sand Dunes
Amy, Breann, Mike and Haiden at the Dunes
Breann and Haiden relaxing on the sand dunes
Mike, Haiden and Breann lugging their boards up the dune to ride them down again…
View of the Sand Dunes from our campground